Status: Active
A Path to Prosperity
HAP Legal Clinic at the Mike Hinson Resource Center
African Women Mental Health Literacy Project
The African Women Mental Health Literacy Project is a holistic health and wellness program which aims to improve the health and quality of life of low-income African and Caribbean immigrant and refugee women in the Philadelphia area by addressing the dearth of culturally sensitive and language appropriate mental care and connection to care services that […]
Community Behavioral Health Journalist
Kensington Voice is a community hub and newsroom serving North Philly’s Fairhill, Kensington, Harrowgate, and Norris Square neighborhoods. We pair direct, on-site service with journalism to effect system-wide change at the individual, relational, community, and societal levels. Through this model, we aim to decrease emotional pain and social isolation and increase community cohesion and social […]
Savage Sisters Recovery Behavioral Health Strategies
Savage Sisters Recovery, Inc is a grassroots non-profit dedicated to attacking addiction ferociously with radical love through connection. Their mission is to serve those who are living with or are affected by substance use disorder and homelessness. They serve individuals in early recovery via dynamic, structured, and trauma-informed transitional homes. Savage Sisters was founded by […]
Mindfulness Director for Mighty Mindfulness and the Power of the Pen
Mighty Writers teaches kids ages 3-17 to think clearly and write with clarity so they can achieve success in school, in work and in life. All of our programs are designed to confront educational inequity in the marginalized communities we serve. We firmly focus on amplifying and empowering our students’ voices while providing high-quality, culturally […]
Concierge Services: De-Escalation
Broad Street Ministry (BSM) is one the Philadelphia region’s most innovative social service organizations serving individuals experiencing deep poverty through stabilizing services, clinical supports and therapeutic arts programming. This includes healthy meals, case management, a mailing address and ID procurement service, distributing clothing and personal hygiene products and support for returning citizens. By reducing anxiety […]
Technical Assistance for Anti-Violence Community Expansion Grantees
The RISE Partnership continues its work by providing capacity building support and technical assistance to 31 organizations that were recipients of City of Philadelphia anti-violence community expansion grants (CEG). Adapted from RISE Partnership’s implementation cohort model, the technical assistance is tailored to best fit the needs of the CEG cohort. Grantees have the opportunity to: […]
Calm Clarity Peer Mentorship
To more inclusively address the mental health needs of our community, Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC) has partnered with Calm Clarity to provide training to improve mental health and well-being and develop inclusive leadership skills to counteract the unconscious biases and systemic disparities faced by our community. This will involve training facilitators to guide […]