RISE Partnership Summer Newsletter (copy 01)


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RISE Partnership Fall 2019 Newsletter
Ready, Set, RISE!

As the season changed...

Fall Highlights: BECI/Sustainability, Fall Forum, Readiness Learning Session.

Congratulations to the 2017-2019 BECI (Building Evaluation Capacity Initiative) organizations on being the final graduating class of the initiative. We're excited to welcome the entire BECI alumni community to the RISE Partnership Sustainability cohort. 

Readiness Cohort: Be sure to save-the-date for the RISE Partnership Readiness Learning Session on December 10th. Please remember to RSVP by December 6th using the link in the invitation you received. For any questions, contact us below. We look forward to seeing you there!

Contact Us
Organization Spotlight

[Org Names]

[Excerpt from Organizations]

Learn More
RISE Partnership APA and APHA Presentation


Thank you to our funders!
Virtual Consultation for our Alumni Learning Community
Our team of consultants are dedicated to supporting you in your continued work to build internal evaluation capacity. Need a refresher on an evaluation topic? Looking for a second set of eyes on a new survey? Have questions about how to analyze or present data? Look no further.

To contact us or request a virtual consultation, connect with us below!
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