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We fund organizations and projects which disrupt our current behavioral health space and create impact at the individual, organizational, and societal levels.

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Our participatory funds alter traditional grantmaking by shifting power
to impacted communities to direct resources and make funding decisions.

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We build public and private partnerships to administer grant dollars toward targeted programs.

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We provide funds at below-market interest rates that can be particularly useful to start, grow, or sustain a program, or when results cannot be achieved with grant dollars alone.

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Tia Burroughs Clayton, MSS
Learning and Community Impact Consultant

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Alyson Ferguson, MPH
Chief Operating Officer

Contact Alyson about grantmaking, program related investments, and the paper series.

Ashley Feuer-Edwards, MPA
Learning and Community Impact Consultant

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Vivian Figueredo, MPA
Learning and Community Impact Consultant

Derrick M. Gordon, PhD
Learning and Community Impact Consultant

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Georgia Kioukis, PhD
Learning and Community Impact Consultant

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Samantha Matlin, PhD
Senior Learning & Community Impact Consultant

Contact Samantha about program planning and evaluation consulting services.

Caitlin O'Brien, MPH
Director of Learning & Community Impact

Contact Caitlin about the Community Fund for Immigrant Wellness, the Annual Innovation Award, and trauma-informed programming.

Joe Pyle, MA

Contact Joe about partnership opportunities, thought leadership, and the Foundation’s property.

Bridget Talone, MFA
Grants Manager for Learning and Community Impact

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Ashley Trocle, MPH
Learning and Community Impact Consultant

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Nadia Ward, MEd, PhD
Learning and Community Impact Consultant

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Hitomi Yoshida, MSEd
Graduate Fellow

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Dismantling Racism in Evaluation: If not now, then when?

Upon recent events, including the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Riah Milton, Dominique “Rem’mie” Fells, Selena Reyes-Hernandez, Rayshard Brooks and countless others who lost their lives to police violence, racism, or hatred, we had to ask ourselves does this work go far enough to change the current inequities in our […]

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Alone in my Basement.

Editor’s Note:June 15 th -21 st is Men’s Health Week. We think that emotional and mental health are critical components of men’s health. Over the course of the past several months, there have been extraordinary stressors that could heighten anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. These stressors disproportionately impact Black, Indigenous, people of color […]

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We Stand in Solidarity

It is with deep sadness that the Scattergood Foundation shares this message. We mourn the lives of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others who lost their lives to police violence; and to those who continue to face the weaponization of white privilege and white supremacy like in the case of Christian Cooper. […]

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Supporting Organizations to Cope During This Time

Several weeks ago, we released our Cope. Recover. Grow. Framework for responding to the unprecedented needs during and post COVID-19. The framework is intended to guide us (staff and board) as we continue to support organizations and communities in the coming weeks, months, and beyond. We have asked funders, service providers, government, and others to […]

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New Paper Release: Policy and Practice Innovations to Improve Prescribing of Psychoactive Medications for Children

Psychoactive medications are the most expensive and fastest-growing class of pharmaceutical agents for children. The cost, side effects, and unprecedented growth rate at which these drugs are prescribed has raised alarms from health care clinicians, patient advocates, and agencies about the appropriateness of how these drugs are distributed to parents and their children. The authors […]

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Reflections on Interprofessional Education and Research and What This Means During The Coronavirus Pandemic

The Scattergood Foundation has been supporting the Health and Design Research Seminar at Drexel University since 2016, as a way to sustain and support our past Design Challenges and broadening the use of Design Thinking principles. The course grew out of Drexel’s participation in the AIA Design & Health Research Consortium and led by Dr. […]

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Community Members Can Make Life Better for Vulnerable Children

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and our attention rightly turns to ways we can support children who have experienced abuse or neglect. According to the US Children’s Bureau, in 2018 there were 687,000 children in foster care in the United States due to abuse or neglect. More than 5,000 of those children live […]

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“We Are All Chinese In This System”: Nancy Nguyen, Statements Regarding The Anti-Asian Bias in COVID-19

I wanted to first start by framing my comments in VietLead’s analysis of our time, place, and conditions: We live in a white supremacist, anti-black, heteropatriarchial, capitalist system – this is true for much of the world due to globalization – but its logics were perfected right here, in the United States. We are, however, […]

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Spotlight: Women’s History Month

This Women’s History Month, we are thrilled to spotlight our grantees and partners who are passionate and committed advocates for their communities, and for other women.  This past January, Sharon Hartz was inducted as the 38th president of the Korean American Association of Greater Philadelphia (KAAGP). As the third woman to hold this position in […]

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