Partner with us to produce thought leadership that moves the needle on behavioral healthcare.
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We fund organizations and projects which disrupt our current behavioral health space and create impact at the individual, organizational, and societal levels.
Our participatory funds alter traditional grantmaking by shifting power
to impacted communities to direct resources and make funding decisions.
We build public and private partnerships to administer grant dollars toward targeted programs.
We provide funds at below-market interest rates that can be particularly useful to start, grow, or sustain a program, or when results cannot be achieved with grant dollars alone.
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Contact Alyson about grantmaking, program related investments, and the paper series.
Contact Samantha about program planning and evaluation consulting services.
Contact Caitlin about the Community Fund for Immigrant Wellness, the Annual Innovation Award, and trauma-informed programming.
Contact Joe about partnership opportunities, thought leadership, and the Foundation’s property.
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Stop the Risk is a time-limited intervention that helps people use fewer drugs, restart working, and set up permanent housing for themselves.
Stop the Risk is a unique middle step between homelessness and living in permanent housing. Similar to shelters and respite services, we provide increased safety, protection from the elements, and hygiene facilities. But unlike shelters and respite services, Stop the Risk also provides harm reduction support including intensive case management and a recovering community that allows off-site drug use. This harm reduction program model addresses the needs of people who use drugs and are experiencing homelessness. Another activity of the program design is the beautification of the 3000 block of Kensington Avenue. Our participants clean the sidewalks and the street as both a community service and a recovery activity. Stop the Risk is a time-limited intervention that helps people use fewer drugs, restart working, and set up permanent housing for themselves. Utilizing the intensive case management to goal set each participant’s individual goals, participants find their harm reduction and/or recovery pathway. We provide targeted outreach and engagement in communities to address opioid use, prevent overdoses, and promote harm reduction. Everyday, we reach out to people using drugs on the streets of Kensington and offer harm reduction and recovery information and support. We then engage a subset of these individuals to become Stop the Risk participants. Both outreach and engagement address opioid use, which in turn prevents overdoses.